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Checking on Our Neighbors During the Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, people are feeling isolated and alone. While it is important to continue physical distancing and other safety measures to keep from spreading the virus, checking on each other’s mental wellbeing is equally as important to our neighbor’s safety.

“You don’t have to be a licensed professional to step in and help someone,” said Dr. JC Carrica, Chief Executive Officer of Southeast Health Group. “People don’t realize how powerful a simple phone call or a conversation over coffee can be to someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Physical distancing is far from the only way to save lives during the pandemic.”

While face-to-face conversations are far more limited at this time, there are a variety of ways we can reach out virtually, including phone calls, text messages, face time, zoom meetings, and more. These platforms have increased drastically in light of stay at home orders and are great resources for everyone to use.

“Sometimes having these conversations can be difficult, and getting people to open up about their stress might take time. By taking the time to make sure people are feeling okay and managing their stress, we could save lives,” Carrica explained.

The American Psychological Association predicts a large increase in suicide rates due to the pandemic for years to come as the world faces economic stress, isolation, disrupted routines, and more. This means it is important to make a habit of checking on each other regularly and continuing to support friends and neighbors for years to come.

Additionally, SHG has set up community support lines at 719-383-5454 and 719-691-6033 for anyone who needs someone to talk to, or connected with any resource that will make getting through this time a little easier.

If you or someone you know could benefit from professional services, call SHG at 800-511-5446. To learn more about the services offered, visit


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