We have merged with Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc.
Our services will continue to be provided as before merger.
Now you will have expanded access to our combined services.
With the merger, this website will soon be closing down.
Don't worry! Just go to valley-widehealth.org where you'll find what you're looking for.

Give a Gift, Make a Difference
Thank you for your support of Southeast Health Group (SHG). Your donation provides help, hope and healing for people experiencing behavioral health challenges in our community.
SHG is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization with the federal tax ID #27-1388543. Charitable donations to tax-exempt nonprofit organizations are deductible on your federal income tax return. Please talk to your tax preparer to maximize the financial and tax benefits of your gift.
Ways to Give:
Make a secure online payment through PayPal
Schedule a one-time or monthly electronic withdrawal from your bank account
Send a check to Southeast Health Group, c/o Development Director, 711 Barnes, La Junta, CO 81050
Include Southeast Health Group in your will or estate planning
Give in memory of or in honor of
Give a gift of stock, real estate or another asset that has appreciated in value
Provide in-kind supplies or needed services
Thank you for your generosity!
Questions about Giving?
Please contact Nancy Harris King, Development Director at 719-980-0914.
Crisis Mental Health - Mental Health Therapy - Wellness - Physical Therapy - Addiction